7 Reasons To Use a Buyers Agent

7 Reasons To Use A Buyer’s Agent To Purchase Your Next Property

Anyone can buy a property. But you don’t want just anyone to help you, you want the best…So, what is a buyer’s agent, and how can we help?

Here are 7 reasons to engage a buyers agent for your next property purchase.

1. We help you find a property faster, minimising loss in capital gains over the long term

2. We start by really diving into your long term goals and working a plan around what YOU want, not what the vendor wants.

3. We can access off market properties which can save you time, hastle and often 5-10% OFF what it would go for once it hits the big websites

4. You’re beating others to the sale – no haggling at auctions or competing with other buyers, you’re coming in hard and fast at the front making it easier to close the deal quicker and for a price that suits you.

5. We have interstate reach to make investment in high growth areas a simple and streamlined process.

6. Investment knowledge. We understand property on a deep level so when you engage a buyers agent you’re not only simplifying the process, you’re getting the right advice from someone in your corner.

7. Negotiation and auctions skills. Again, we understand the property game so having buyers agent representation can mean a better price and conditions on your purchase.

If you looking to buy or just want to understand the benefits a buyers agent can provide then book in a call with us and we would love to walk you through the process.

CLICK HERE to book a free discovery call now

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